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WWE Legends Series 14

WWE Legends figures by Mattel are, generally speaking, my jam, because I tend to collect more of the older characters than the current crop. Unfortunately, this line has only been available in Canada sporadically over the years.


Case in point, WWE Legends Series 12 was in Toys 'R' Us stores across the country (and still are in many), whereas Series 13 was seemingly never available in retail locations. We've just skipped ahead to WWE Legends Series 14, which I managed to procure in pieces via a specialty shop, collectibles show and eBay. Let's take a closer look at this latest collection...

The first two figures in this line are part of the DX "Army" theme, with Billy Gunn, Triple H and X-Pac rounding out the group in different Legends collections (yes, I'm well on my way to having the complete set). Chyna is perhaps my favorite version that Mattel has made to date, as the face sculpt is near-perfect and the outfit is basic black. One weird note: Chyna comes with two sets of hands (as do all the other Legends figures). The first set are EXTREMELY small, and the second are normal-sized. Not sure why this was done.

Road Dogg is also the best Mattel version I've seen of him thus far (to be fair, he's had his share of figures in the last 30 years). Much like his New Age Outlaws partner Billy Gunn, he's decked out in a removeable DX T-shirt, removeable camo pants and an army helmet with an X painted on it (unlike Gunn's, I don't believe Road Dogg's helmet is removeable because his cornrows are peeking through the top). The D-O-Double-G also comes with "Suck It" hands to make for a true Attitude Era figure.

Mean Mark Callous is a first for any action figure line, and was likely only created because it was the early WCW incarnation of The Undertaker. While Mean Mark wasn't around for a long time, this is a GREAT representation of The Not-Yet Dead Man, right down to one fingerless-gloved hand, leather vest and chaps. If you're an Undertaker completist, this is a figure you need to have. It's also a great part of my growing WCW Mattel Collection.

Rounding out the group is Edge circa his first singles run in the early 2000s. While I already have several Edge figures, this one is decidedly more colorful and fun, with a red leather jacket, white trunks and red sunglasses. I'm not entirely sure where to display this one, given I have an "Edge and Christian" era figure and a "Rated R Superstar" era figure already in my collection. But aside from that, this is a great figure.

Mattel continues to knock these Legends figures out of the park, and this is another set where there truly isn't a bad one in the bunch.

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