Quick - name some of the greatest stables, trios and factions in wrestling. Perhaps you'd have The Four Horsemen on your list? The Heenan Family? nWo? D-Generation X? The Shield? The Bullet Club? Raven's Flock?
We did so a while back, and the results are here. And while there's a little bit of duplication between that list and this one, there's a key difference: most wrestling fans don't even remember most of the groups listed within this list.
That doesn't mean these were bad groups, necessarily. This list is more about the ones that were dissolved before living up to their full potential. In fact, some of these were quite compelling factions.... on paper.
So how did we rank the Top 50 Forgotten Factions - which is more or less finding the best of an obscure group? We looked through the WWF/E, NWA/WCW, AWA, ECW, ROH, TNA and other groups over the last thirty years and judged them using the following criteria:
How impressive were the individual wrestlers?
What purpose did the faction serve?
Did they compete as a unit in key events, such as PPV's?
Were they given a fairly prominent position on the card?
One note: To be truly considered a faction, the group had to have at least three full-time wrestlers in it.
If you'd like to be a part of this conversation, Tweet us at @canadianbulldog using the hashtag #Top50, or leave a comment below.
Ready? Here we go!
The Desperados
In 1990, WCW assembled the trio of Dutch Mantel, journeyman Black Bart and Deadeye Dick (better known as Moondog Rex) and called them The Desperados. Their mission, shown through weeks of vignettes, was to align with Stan Hansen -- something that never materialized.
The J.O.B. Squad
Similar in some ways to The Prince Justice Brotherhood, The J.O.B. Squad featured WWF competitors that lost more often than they won. Beginning in late 1998, the group included Al Snow, Bob Holly, Scorpio and Gillberg (Duane Gill doing a Goldberg gimmick). The comedy faction only lasted a few months.
The Dead Pool
Nothing to do with the Marvel comic book or film franchise, The Dead Pool was a faction in WCW circa 1999 that was led by Raven. Members included Vampiro, The Demon and rappers The Insane Clown Posse. The Dead Pool was disbanded when Raven left the company for ECW.
S.C.U.M. (which stands for Suffering Chaos Ugliness and Mayhem) was a group in Ring of Honor circa 2013. The original members were ROH anarchists Kevin Steen (Kevin Owens), Jimmy Jacobs and Steve Corino, with Matt Hardy, Rhino, Jimmy Rave, Cliff Compton and Rhett Titus each spending time in the faction.
In 1998, the WWF was attempting to replicate WCW's successful nWo storyline by having members of the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) invade the promotion. Although only around for a few weeks, the invaders included Jeff Jarrett, Dan Severn, Bart Gunn, Bob Holly and manager Jim Cornette.
The New Breed (WWECW)
One of the primary storylines in the early days of WWE's version of ECW was a group of heels including Matt Striker, Kevin Thorn, Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Von, with the goal of targeting ECW Originals including Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer.
Planet Jarrett
In 2005, TNA's Jeff Jarrett surrounded himself with a group of top heels to help him regain the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Planet Jarrett included Abyss, Team Canada, America's Most Wanted, Father James Mitchell and Gail Kim. The group lasted until October 2006.
The Truth Commission
During the WWF's faction phase in 1997, The Truth Commission debuted as a group of South African militants. They included manager The Commandant, The Interrogator (Kurrgan), Recon (Bull Buchnan), Sniper and Tank. The group was later managed by The Jackyl (Don Callis).
The Oddities
In 1998, Jackyl (Don Callis) introduced his Parade of Human Oddities, which was originally was a heel gimmick but soon became faces. Oddities members included Golga (Earthquake), Kurrgan, Giant Silva, Luna Vachon and The Insane Clown Posse. The group was disbanded by the WWF the following year.
Team Canada (TNA)
TNA's Team Canada faction ran from 2004 until 2006 and proved to be a breeding group for future main eventers within the company (albeit years later). In addition to introducing Bobby Roode, Eric Young and Petey Williams to TNA fans, the group also included Scott D'Amore, Johnny Devine, A1 and others.
The UnAmericans
Yes... yet ANOTHER Canadian-based heel stable in wrestling (and we're leaving The Hart Foundation off the list because they're not a Forgotten Faction). The UnAmericans included Lance Storm, Christian, Test and England's William Regal. The group was featured on SmackDown and Raw during the latter half of 2002.
The Full Blooded Italians (WWE)
This group was an offshoot of the more-popular Full-Blooded Italians that took of in ECW. In 2005, the group consisted of Nunzio (founding member Little Guido), Chuck Palumbo and Johnny Stamboli (Johnny The Bull). Although short-lived, the group had matches with The Undertaker, Rikishi and others.
Three Faces Of Fear
Shortly after Hulk Hogan's WCW debut, his former best friend Brutus Beefcake (The Butcher) turned on him. This led to The Butcher aligning himself not with The Baker and The Candlestick Maker, but rather Kevin Sullivan and Avalanche (Earthquake). The group eventually morphed into The Dungeon of Doom.
The Second City Saints
For roughly three years, Ring of Honor was terrorized by a group of Chicago hoods known as The Second City Saints. They were comprised of CM Punk, Colt Cabana and Ace Steel and managed by Traci Brooks. Throughout their 2003-2006 run, the faction feuded with The Prophecy and other ROH groups.
The New Blood
The New Blood was formed by Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo in WCW, lasting less than three months. Still, it boasted a huge cast of characters inclding Jeff Jarrett, Sean O'Haire, Mark Jindrak, Buff Bagwell, Scott Steiner, Booker T, Billy Kidman, Vampiro and Lance Storm.
The Varsity Club
One of Kevin Sullivan's many factions in NWA/WCW was formed in 1987 and included former collegiate wrestling stars Dr. Death Steve Williams, Rick Steiner, Mike Rotunda and for some reason, Dan Spivey. The group lasted until 1989 and a decade later, enjoyed a brief reunion in WCW along with Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
The Millionaires Club
To counter The New Blood (see # 22), WCW's high-paid veterans assembled a loosely-knit group to protect themselves against the up and coming group. Originally painted as heels, The Millionaires Club quickly became faces and included Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Sting, Diamond Dallas Page and Kevin Nash.
In 2010, nearly a decade after the original ECW folded, Tommy Dreamer created a faction of ECW originals in TNA. Dubbed EV2 (Extreme Version 2) for legal reasons, the group featured Mick Foley, Raven, Stevie Richards, Brother Devon (D-Von Dudley), Rhino, Al Snow and Pat Kenney (Simon Diamond).
The League Of Nations
WWE's latest attempt at a group of foreign villians was created in late 2015. Consisting of Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Rusev and King Barrett, The League Of Nations only lasted a short while after WrestleMania XXXII before disbanding.
The Spirit Squad
In 2006, WWE introduced a faction of heel male cheerleaders known as The Spirit Squad. The members included Kenny (Ken Doane), Johnny (Johnny Jeter), Mikey (Mike Mondo), Nicky (Dolph Ziggler) and Mitch (Nick Mitchell). The group was vanquished by D-Generation X and sent packing by year's end.
The TNA Frontline
When The Main Event Mafia reigned supreme in TNA in 2008, they were opposed by The TNA Frontline, a loosely-associated group of company originals. They included AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Team 3D, Rhino, Consequences Creed (Xavier Woods), Christopher Daniels and The Motor City Machine Guns.
The Main Event Mafia
In 2008, TNA assembled a group of top-level heels and dubbed them The Main Event Mafia. They included TNA World Champion Sting, Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Booker T, Samoa Joe, Taz and Sharmell. Members of the group briefly reunited in 2013 to battle Aces & Eights.
The Natural Born Thrillers
As part of an effort to promote young talent in the dying days of WCW, Vince Russo created a group known as The Natural Born Thrillers in 2000. They included Mike Sanders, Sean O'Haire, Chuck Palumbo, Mark Jindrak, Shawn Stasiak, Johnny The Bull and Reno.
The New Nexus
While the original Nexus was an infamous faction within WWE, The New Nexus was less revered. In early 2011, Wade Barrett and other founding members were kicked out by CM Punk. The New Nexus members also included David Otunga, Michael McGillicutty (Curtis Axel) and Husky Harris (Bray Wyatt).
The Union
Vince McMahon -- betrayed when his son Shane turned on him and created of The Corporate Ministry (an alliance between The Corporation and Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness) -- created his own group called The Union. The faction was actually called the Union of People You Oughta Respect, Shane (U.P.Y.O.R.S.) and included Mick Foley, Test, Big Show and Ken Shamrock. The group only lasted a few weeks.... despite having its own theme music!
The Prince Justice Brotherhood
In 2008, TNA took a trio of masked mid-carders and called them The Prince Justice Brotherhood. They consisted of Super Eric (Eric Young), Curry Man (Christopher Daniels) and Shark Boy. And while the faction was mostly played for laughs, it gave the three grapplers a higher sense of purpose at the time.
The World Elite
What began with a heel turn by TNA veteran Eric Young in 2009 led to the formation of The World Elite, a group of non U.S.-based competitors. The faction included Sheik Abdul Bashir (Daivari), Magnus, Rob Terry, Doug Williams, Kiyoshi and Homicide.
3Live Kru
3Live Kru was one of the first (and surprisingly, longest-lasting) factions in TNA, consisting of B.G. James (Road Dogg), Konnan and Ron Killings (R-Truth). While the group was on television for some time and entertained fans with their rowdy antics, they were quickly forgotten about once the team disbanded in 2005.
Karachi Vice
The Stampede Wrestling equivalent of Miami Vice was formed in the mid-1980's and was led by Gama Singh. The group of made life miserable for Stu Hart and his famous family. Other members of the faction included "family members" Makhan Singh (Bastion Booger), Vulcan Singh, Steve DiSalvo and J.R. Foley.
The Corre
In the aftermath of the original Nexus imploding, former leader Wade Barrett recruited ex-members Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel (as well as Ezekiel Jackson) to create a new group on SmackDown where there was "no leader".
Right before the WCW invasion began in 2001, a faction formed in the WWF known as X-Factor. Led by D-Generation and nWo alumnae X-Pac, the group also included unofficial Kliq member Justin Credible and Albert (Matt Bloom). The short-lived group had matches against The Dudley Boyz and Hardy Boyz.
The York Foundation
In 1990, manager Alexandra York (Terri Runnels) introduced us to Michael Wall Street (Mike Rotunda), with the two devising a software program to defeat opponents. The York Foundation later included Terrence Taylor (Terry Taylor), Richard Morton (Ricky Morton), Thomas Rich (Tommy Rich) and Mr. Hughes.
Los Boricuas
Another product of the WWF's faction phase was formed in the aftermath of the original Nation of Domination, when member Savio Vega was kicked out. He recruited some of his Puerto Rican compatriots, including Miguel Perez, Jose Estrada Jr. and Jesus Castillo. They feuded with the New Nation and D.O.A.
The Disciples Of Apocalypse
Another Nation of Domination spinoff faction was known as The Disciples of Apocalypse, or DOA. Led by Crush, the group featured Chainz (Brian Lee) and the team of Skull and 8 Ball (The Harris Twins). Later, the group became a trio when Crush left the WWF and eventually just a tag team duo.
Team Canada (WCW)
WCW's Team Canada faction ran from 2000 until early 2001 and unlike his TNA counterpart, boasted considerably fewer actual Canadians. The leader was Lance Storm, although non-Canadian members included Mike Awesome, Elix Skipper, Major Gunns and Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
J-Tex Corporation
When NWA manager Gary Hart aligned his clients Terry Funk and Great Muta at The Great American Bash '89, he immediately classified his faction The J-Tex Corporation (Japan and Texas). Other members of the short-lived group included Dick Slater, Buzz Sawyer and The Dragonmaster. They lasted roughly 6 months.
Standing for Sports Entertainment Xtreme, this TNA faction was essentially Vince Russo's greatest hits, with Russo overseeing young guys such as Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper and Low-Ki, WCW names Raven, Glenn Gilberetti (Disco Inferno) and David Flair, and even B.G. James (Road Dogg).
The Revolution
In 1999, a group of rebellious midcarders began teaming in WCW, urging management to make them top stars. The Revolution members included Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn and Shane Douglas. Later, ditching Douglas and adding Eddie Guerrero, they became the WWF's Radicalz.
The Social Outcasts
In 2016, WWE mid-card heels Adam Rose, Heath Slater, Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel formed a group with the intention of boosting their value within the company. The group only lasted a few months, with Dallas and Axel later finding limited success as The B Team.
La Familia
When Edge was World Champion in 2007, he and SmackDown General Manager Vickie Guerrero ensured they had a group surrounding them to protect the championship. La Familia included Vickie's nephew Chavo Guerrero, The Edgeheads (Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder) and a bodyguard named Bam Neely.
The Filthy Animals
In 1999, WCW introduced its answer to D-Generation X in the form of The Filthy Animals, a group of young and controversial wrestlers. They included Billy Kidman, Rey Mysterio Jr., Eddie Guerrero and Konnan. Managed by Torrie Wilson, the group later included Disco Inferno, Tygress and Juventud Guerrera.
The West Texas Rednecks
What began as a joke to counter WCW-exclusive rapper Master P turned into the country music faction The West Texas Rednecks. Members included Curt Hennig, Barry Windham, Kendall Windham, Bobby Duncum Jr. and Curly Joe (Virgil). The group actually recorded a hit single called "Rap Is Crap" that had some success.
The Network
Only ECW would have the gall to turn its broadcaster TNN into the company's biggest heel, which is what they did in 1999. Cyrus (Don Callis) played an overbearing network executive, hiring on Steve Corino, Yoshihiro Tajiri, Rhino, Scotty Anton (Scotty Riggs) and Lou E. Dangerously (Sign Guy Dudley).
The Dungeon Of Doom
From the ashes of The Three Faces Of Fear (see # 26) came The Dungeon Of Doom, a collection of misfits and freaks led by Kevin Sullivan and The Wizard (King Curtis Iaukea). Members included The Shark (Earthquake), Zodiac (Brutus Beefcake), The Giant (Big Show), Kamala, Meng and The Barbarian.
Misfits In Action
In 2000, a group of WCW midcarders formed a faction with a quasi-military theme. Hugh Morrus became General Hugh G. Rection (yes, really); Chavo Guerrero Jr. became Lieutenant Loco; Van Hammer became Private Stash and Lash Leroux became Corporal Cajun. Booker T was briefly known as G.I. Bro.
nWo 2000
The final incarnation of the new World order (in WCW, at least) was a faction called nWo 2000. Led by then-World Champion Bret Hart, the group also included founding nWo father Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner, and The Harris Twins.
The Cabinet
In 2004, WWE Champion John Bradshaw Layfield decided to surround himself with corporate-level goons on SmackDown to fend off potential challengers. The Cabinet's Chief of Staff was Orlando Jordan, the Secretaries of Defense were The Basham Brothers, and Jillian Hall acted as the faction's Publicist.
Months of TNA programming led to the formation of Immortal in October 2010, a massive group of heels that included Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Jeff Hardy, Jeff Jarrett, Abyss, Ric Flair, AJ Styles, Robert Roode, Christopher Daniels, Kazarian, Kurt Angle, Bully Ray and Scott Steiner. Despite a loaded roster, the group had only limited success.
The Million Dollar Corporation
In 1994, The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase returned to the WWF, this time as a manager and he began assembling a faction to do his bidding. Members included Nikolai Volkoff, King Kong Bundy, Kama (The Godfather), Bam Bam Bigelow, The 123 Kid, Sycho Sid, Irwin R. Shyster, Tatanka and some guy named Steve Austin.
The Dudes With Attitudes
Everyone remembers The Four Horsemen, but few remember the group of NWA babyfaces that threatened to take them apart in 1990. Led by Sting, who had been betrayed and injured by The Horsemen, the group also included Lex Luger, Rick and Scott Steiner, El Gigante, Paul Orndorff, The Junkyard Dog and for some reason, jobber Rocky King. The group countered The Horsemen at that year's Great American Bash, assisting Sting in his NWA World Title win over Ric Flair, but did little of note after that one moment.