"It's Just A Stinky Piece Of Ice."

Recently, The Big Rybowski and his adorable children Roman Zane and Stella Bella unboxed the WWE "New Day Pops" Unicorn Horn Popsicle Kit. The package was purchased in 2018, and since they were making the frozen treat in 2022... "Don't you dare be sour! It's an expired day, yes it is!"
See below for some photos and a review.
Opening the box and reading the instructions, we saw the 'best before' date of December 2018. I still thought it should be fine, but had the kids do the "sniff test." It had a strong smell, which I could only describe as 'medicinal.'
After dumping the syrup down the drain, we decided to substitute red food coloring for the Rainbow Raspberry Syrup.
After waiting a few hours, our New Day Pops were ready! The yellow Pop was a casualty, as it shot out of the holder and broke on the table.
Final Verdict:
Roman Zane: "I don't like it. It's just a stinky piece of ice."
Stella Bella: "It tastes like water. I kinda like it."
2.5/5 stars.