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Champion Wrestler

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Champion Wrestler

Right now, I would like to officially invite all of you readers at Wrestling Merchandise and Memories to "Beat The Grappling Gamer". This is a new series where I'm going to give some tips and tricks and invite you guys to literally "beat me" at a particular wrestling game.


First up is Champion Wrestler released by Taito in 1989. Although this game wasn't a staple for arcades at the time, when I did run into it, I was very pleased to do so. If you'd like to read my original review for this game to familiarize yourself with it first then you can do so here.


In this series, I'm just giving bullet points about getting a high score. I've been attempting high-score attempts on this game for a couple of years. I slowly continue to get better and better (as we'll get to later). I started attempting my high-score runs with "Cobra Bloody Joe" who is the wrestler on the game's roster who represents Tiger Jeet Singh. After some runs with him, I started to play as Rocky Garner, who represents Stan Hansen.

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Most recently, I've started playing as "Black Machine" who seems like a hybrid Tiger Mask/Black Tiger character. I've had the most success with him, so far. I even beat my latest high score using Black Machine minutes before writing this article! To me, it seems like no wrestler on the roster is overpowered. It's best to experiment and choose who you're most comfortable with using. Some wrestlers do have a manager, though, and that manager helps by throwing foreign objects into the ring, which can also be used to your advantage.

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This is a fun game to mess around with. It's pretty awesome to hit someone with Rocky Garner's lariat or a particular wrestler's finishing move but when you're going for high-score runs, you gotta do as "Jumping" Jeff Farmer said in his classic promo, "Yip! (to paraphrase) You gotta go full force!". This means it's best to just maul your opponents with punches and kicks and then get your shit in, as they say. Don't give your opponent any time to breathe and squash them for the victory. That's the way you get the most points.


I play this particular game on my Nintendo Switch but it's available on all consoles for a very modest price (usually around $8 USD). I invite anyone to submit their high score and attempt to beat mine at this game! It'll be a fun competition. Up until recently, I was ranked 28th, worldwide, on the Switch leaderboard. With this last run I made, minutes prior me writing this; I was able to crack the top 25, currently ranked 24th.


Until next time... keep mashing those buttons!

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